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Interior Decorating

Do you wish to create beautiful interior spaces? We teach the latest tips and techniques of interior decorating and home staging.


Interior decorating certificate

Interior Decorating & Home Staging Certificate

If you're interested in creating beautiful and functional spaces to enjoy in your home, desire to increase your knowledge of interior decorating, or need help showcasing a home for sale, this program will teach you the tips and techniques to create beautiful interiors.

Interior Decorating Certificate Details (Interior Decorating & Home Staging Certificate)


Kitchen Design And Decor

Kitchen Design And Decor

Whether you're building or remodeling a kitchen, the process doesn't have to be stressful. Find the inspiration and courage to begin your project with the expertise of noted Interior Design expert, Lee Anne Culpepper. Explore your style and how you will achieve it.

Learn More (Kitchen Design And Decor)
biophilic design

Biophilic Design: A New Design Standard

Learn how to properly incorporate biophilic principles like plants and sounds into the built environment. We will discuss the need, the relevancy, and the psychological benefits of this new wave of design for health and wellbeing.

Learn More (Biophilic Design: A New Design Standard)